Τετάρτη 25 Αυγούστου 2021

The Original Caviar

Caviar is produced from fish eggs, also known as roe. Although there are many substitute products on the market, the real caviar is made only from sturgeon eggs. There are approximately 29 species of sturgeon and all of them belong to the family Acipenseridae. The price of caviar is really high and is considered to be one of the finest foods in the world.

The term “caviar” is not necessarily connected to the word “roe”, since the latter can be used to describe all fish eggs such as salmon, trout or flying fish. Caviar is a particularly specific type of roe and should not be confused with other types of roe such as salmon’s, which is referred to as “red caviar”. Although there are some species that have many similarities to the sturgeon, such as the American paddlefish, still they cannot be characterized as caviar and their eggs should be called paddlefish roe.buy caviar

 Many people would wonder about the reasons why someone should eat caviar. However there are multiple benefits to it. Numerous vitamins and minerals are included which are extremely important to our daily nutrition. It is proven to have high levels of omega-3 that boost immunity and also to reduce symptoms of depression. Moreover, it is considered to be an outstanding beauty product and is very common in luxury beauty salons and products.

Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/icebergprinciple/3504583619

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